Saturday, April 14, 2007

Just a Short, UNCENSORED Tirade About the First Amendment

Lately, there has been an overwhelming amount of discussion as to whether or not Don Imus should be stripped of his right to free speech because what he said was so darn politically incorrect. First, let us note that what he said, while indeed racist, was mostly sexist. I know a few "nappy-headed hos," and not a single one of them is black. Actually, I haven't showered today, and my hair is feeling a bit nappy. Perhaps I should use a clarifying shampoo.

While the status of my hair can be held accountable for many interior arguments (up? down? what is a gentile with jew hair to do?), it has little to do with Don Imus and everything to do with our idea of America. What if the world decided that I couldn't call my gentile hair jew hair because it is politically incorrect and sent Harvey Fierstein to teach me a lesson? Perhaps...a bribe?

And that is exactly what I am talking about. If we limit free speech, simply because it steps on other people's toes, then we have taken the Constitution and chucked it out the window. There is a reason it is the first amendment. It is the MOST important.

George Bush is a terrible president, and in the United States it is perfectly legal to call him anything you want. Hick, moron, greedy motherfucker, whatever. You have the right. Sure, you can't say that you want to kill him, but technically you can't say that you want to kill anyone. Every time you joke about how you are going to kill your friends because they are beating you at Scrabble is a felony, should we choose to live in a Imus-free world.

So censor the president. He has proven himself a liar time and time again. Let's be is just not possible to be that misinformed when you are the most powerful fucking man in the world. He used his free speech to mislead for his own benefit, and that is illegal.

Don Imus used his free speech to express his opinion. He has (had) been doing it for 40 years, and no one ever really got that upset, and he has called people a lot worse than "nappy headed hos." Some say that allowing someone with so much sway over the general public to spew remarks like that is unconstitutional, but that is where they are very much wrong.

Think of the words being used to describe Don Imus now, with bigot being a mere introduction to a delightful selection of often non-PC words. Yet 40 million people have listened to him every day, and they would still have listened to him if he hadn't been yanked off the air. Admittedly, he deserved that one. All of his sponsors bailed on him and the company couldn't make money. Perfectly legit, yet people still listened. That is because there are at least 40 million people in the US that agree with Don Imus. Of course, we know there are more than that, given that we have an entire country built for the most part on racism and sexism. While we, with our educations and ideas of true equality, disagree with his remarks, we have to respect the fact that a good chunk of people don't. What about their right to hear what they want to hear? Those airwaves are as much theirs as they are ours, yet we've taken away their ally.

During the revolutionary war, the rules of engagement stated that the greatest war crime was to kill the opposition's general. Even as they killed each other, they recognized that each side had just as much right to be fighting as the other. They were 100% equal.

Of course, that war never would have happened if people hadn't said what they felt regarding the Brits and, recognizing that very fact, we made that right the most important part of our constitution. Freedom of speech fuels dissent which, in turn, fuels democracy. Be thankful for that right, and never, ever place a limitation on it. Every person, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or ideology has a right to express their opinion. Otherwise, you have no right to disagree with Don Imus who, in turn, had no right to say what he did in the first place.

Instead, be grateful that he said what he did. It has been a long time since Americans became so enraged by a person's beliefs. In fact, I think the last time it happened, Martin Luther King was standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial declaring that he had some sort of dream. What a nappy-headed ho.

Don Imus was wrong to have said what he did, but had every right in the world to say it. If he wants to go on record and say that every gay person is a fag, every black a nigger, every Jew a money-grubbing userer, he has that right, just as I have the right to publish those things in context here. To deny anyone their ability to do so is incredible hypocrisy, for you talk about what you want to talk about, say what you want to say, or disagree with the message of our current administration. Yet without the first amendment you would have no right to do so, nor would you have any right to express the belief that Don Imus should be taken off the air. Are you willing to sacrifice your own rights to stifle the outrageous words of another? If so, the next time I see you you'd better have some duct tape over your mouth. Otherwise I will be forced to stuff a copy of the constitution down your throat to stifle your speech.

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