Saturday, June 16, 2007

Pisces Rising!

Today, once again, I have been fortunate enough to make a new townie friend, Starlight. Starlight is a thirty-something man who, thanks to the 80s, appears to be around the age of 50. His is long, straggly, grayed hair, held back by a rubber band, of which he has several stashed in the pocket of an ancient leather jacket. Starlight, bless his soul, has a big crush on fellow bored poster shop employee, Ally.

So, while enjoying one of my little cigarette breaks, Starlight came and sat next to me and Ally, prodding us for answers about our astrological signs.

"'re a virgo?" he asked me, stuttering like Ozzy Osbourne. "And what time was dawn the day you were born? Uhh, uhh, uhhhh. OK. What time were you born? Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh. OK. So that means you are a Virgo Pisces Rising."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh...that you have two very opposite forces. You're inner and outer selves are conflicted."

Next was Ally, who he incorrectly determined to be a Libra rising, not because he didn't know that she was, in fact, a Virgo rising. Rather, it was because Pisces and Virgo are diametrically opposed to one another. Like Ally, Starlight is a Pisces, but his rising sign is, as he would want Ally's to be, a Libra.

"I guess that's why we connect so well," he slowly managed to spit out. "Even with the bad energies in the air today, your sign and my sign break through them and complement each others."

Soon after, Starlight returned to his discussion on the nature of being able to play the guitar. Only when inspiration strikes him, today in the form of Ally, will he break out his instrument and serenade the Commons with virtually unintelligible music. I am blessed because his favorite spot to play is directly across from the poster shop, within very close proximity of Moonshadows. He is there now, attempting to find inspiration from the "economical" 2 for 1 draft beers.

His explanation of my astrological predicament has led me, as usual to google and wikipedia, where I am attempting to determine for myself my own nature. First, Starlight is correct. I am a Pisces rising and, technically, given the violent nature of Pisces' relationship with Virgo, I should be a basket case. Of course, according to the same website, Starlight should be very successful in love and life. While that may be a bit off, it does hit the nail on the head in certain respects: "You [Pisces Libra Rising] attempt to find inspiration everywhere."

My bet is, Starlight will be pretty damn inspired in about half an hour, for his is inspiration found only in the shadow of the moon.

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